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How can i use node packages in claudiajs for use it in aws lambda

How can I use node packages in claudiajs. I tried to use node-twitter-api and node-twitter in it but getting blank response. promise will require or not i have no idea about it in lambda. if any one has any examples or documents that may have multiple node packages used with claudiajs for lambda. reference: http://claudia.js ,

  var ApiBuilder = require('claudia-api-builder'),
  api = new ApiBuilder();
  var twitterAPI = require('node-twitter-api');
  var Promise = require("bluebird");
  api.get("/request-token", function(request) {
        'use strict';
         new Promise(function(resolve) {
             var twitter = new twitterAPI({
                consumerKey: "ckey",
                consumerSecret: "cskey",
                callback: 'http://localhost:3000/access-token'
             var res;
             twitter.getRequestToken(function(err, requestToken, requestSecret) {      
                 if (err)
                     res = err;
                 else {
                     var _requestSecret = requestSecret;
                     var url = "" + requestToken;
                     res = url;        
             return res;


  • You can use packages just by including into package.json, using the normal javascript NPM commands (eg npm install <package-name> -S, check out for more information), but based on your code this doesn't seem to be the problem.

    • you should return the promise out of the handler. (you're just instantiating the promise, not returning it)
    • no need to use bluebird, lambda uses node 4.3 which supports Promises out of the box
    • twitter.getRequestToken seems to use a callback, you'll need to translate that back to the promise you're returning and resolve/reject the result. check out an intro on promises somewhere online, or just use denodeify to turn the callback function into a promise directly