I have got the following scrollview with listview inside:
anchors.fill: parent
id: lvCommitsBranch
model: git.getCommitsBranch();
clip: true
delegate: Rectangle {
height: 100
width: parent.width
Text {
anchors.left: parent.left
font.bold: true
anchors.left: parent.left
font.pixelSize: 10
id: txtEmail
Text {
anchors.left: parent.left
text: model.message + ' ' + model.hash
id: txtMsg
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
lvCommitsBranch.currentIndex = index;
console.log('Msg: ' + model.message);
console.log('Hash: ' + model.hash);
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
The issue is that when I scroll some items disappear (each time randomly and sometimes I have to scroll fast but not always).
When I click on the items that have not disappeared, I get undefined
on all the model's properties. When Mousearea's onclick
is triggered it prints the following:
qml: Msg: undefined
qml: Hash: undefined
I get the model info from a method (QAbstractListModel) that is returned from my git
custom component.
This is my QAbstractListModel:
class CommitsBranch : public QAbstractListModel
enum Roles {
explicit CommitsBranch(QObject *parent = 0);
CommitsBranch(Repository *repo);
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override;
// return the roles mapping to be used by QML
virtual QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
QList<Commit> m_data;
QHash<int, QByteArray> m_roleNames;
CommitsBranch::CommitsBranch(QObject *parent)
: QAbstractListModel(parent)
CommitsBranch::CommitsBranch(Repository *repo)
m_roleNames[AuthorRole] = "author";
m_roleNames[EMailRole] = "email";
m_roleNames[MsgRole] = "message";
m_roleNames[DateRole] = "date";
m_roleNames[HashRole] = "hash";
here we append the m_data (QList) Items using libgit2 methods
int CommitsBranch::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return m_data.count();
QVariant CommitsBranch::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
// this function returns the required data
QHash<int, QByteArray> CommitsBranch::roleNames() const
return m_roleNames;
And git is just a class that inherits from QObject and it has the following method:
Q_INVOKABLE QObject* getCommitsBranch();
QObject *Git::getCommitsBranch()
CommitsBranch* files = new CommitsBranch(repo.data());
return files;
I get the same behavior without the scrollview.
EDIT: If I take a repository with a lot of commits (more lines to the listview), even increasing the cacheBuffer won't help, if I scroll a bit fast all the items will disappear.
The problem here is that, by default, if you return a QObject* it will transfer the ownership to QML.
The exception to this rule is when a QObject is returned from an explicit C++ method call: in this case, the QML engine assumes ownership of the object, unless the ownership of the object has explicitly been set to remain with C++ by invoking QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership() with QQmlEngine::CppOwnership specified.
You have to set the returned QObject* ownership manually, so it doesn't get destroyed by the QML engine :
QObject *Git::getCommitsBranch()
CommitsBranch* files = new CommitsBranch(repo.data());
QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(files, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership)
return files;
Note that you will have a memory leak as your CommitsBranch
object will never be deleted. But at least your QML items should not disappear anymore !
EDIT: As suggested you can do something like this to avoid the memory leak :
// CommitsBranch Constructor
CommitsBranch::CommitsBranch(Repository *repo, QObject *parent) :
QAbstractListModel(parent) { /*stuff*/ }
QObject *Git::getCommitsBranch()
// Setting ownership is not necessary if you pass the parent to the QAbstractListModel
CommitsBranch* commits = new CommitsBranch(repo.data(), this);
return files;