I have a form , which is having few input fields. I want to display error message in popover when user focus out the input field or click on submit button. I created one directive which adds the popover attributes to the input fields. So when user moving out from the input field I will check validation, if validation fails want to show the popover. But when I try to check always I am getting undefined.
Can someone help me on this. My plunker
app.directive("errorTooltip", function($compile, $interpolate, $timeout) {
return {
scope: true,
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
element.attr('popover-trigger', "'show'");
element.attr('popover-placement', 'top');
element.attr('uib-popover', element.attr("data-info"));
var blurred = false;
blurred = true;
scope.$watch(function() {
console.log(ctrl.$name.$invalid); //always comes undefined
return ctrl.$name.$invalid
}, function(invalid) {
if (!blurred && invalid) {
//element.toggleClass('has-error', invalid);
Thanks in advance .
Replace the line:
With this:
Updated plunker here.