Search code examples

Unable to locate nested geopoint after updating to elasticsearch 2.3

We use the AWS managed Elasticsearch service and recently upgraded from 1.5 to 2.3. We use the elasticsearch-dsl package in python to build our queries and managed to migrate most of our queries, but geo_distance is broken no matter what I try.


        'company': {
            'properties': {
                'id': {'type': 'integer'},
                'company_number': {'type': 'string'},
                'addresses': {
                    'type': 'nested',
                    'properties': {
                        'postcode': {'type': 'string', 'index': 'not_analyzed'},
                        'location': {'type': 'geo_point'}

Python code working with elasticsearch-dsl==0.0.11

            test_location = '53.5411062377, -2.11485504709'
            test_distance = "3miles"
            location_filter = F("geo_distance", 
            query = query.filter("nested", 

Query generated by the library:

{'query': {'filtered': {'filter': {'nested': {'filter': {'geo_distance': {'distance': u'3miles', 'location': '53.5411062377, -2.11485504709'}}, 'path': 'addresses'}}, 'query': {'match_all': {}}}}}

We have created a brand new index on a new 2.3 with the same mapping.

After updating to elasticsearch-dsl == 2.1.0 and attempting to convert the filters to queries:

geo_query = Q({"bool": {
                    "must": [
                            "geo_distance": {
                                "distance": "test_distance",
                                "addresses__location": test_location,

That generates the following query:

{'query': {'bool': {'must': [{'geo_distance': {'distance': '3 miles', u'addresses.location': {'lat': '53.5411062377', 'lon': '-2.11485504709'}}}]}}}

We get the following exception:

RequestError: TransportError(400, u'search_phase_execution_exception', u'failed to find geo_point field [addresses.location]')

I tried referencing the field as 'location' , 'addresses.location', 'addresses' and using the old nested query type. I can't figure out if the mapping is no longer valid in 2.3 or if I am constructing the query wrong.

The query

Q({'nested': {'filter': {
                        'geo_distance': {'distance': u'3miles', 'location': '53.5411062377, -2.11485504709'}
                    'path': 'addresses.location'}})

Generates the following error:

RequestError: TransportError(400, u'search_phase_execution_exception', u'[nested] nested object under path [addresses.location] is not of nested type')

I think I need to add lat_lon : True to the mapping for geodistance queries to work, but none of the examples have it.

Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you!


  • This should work:

            test_location = '53.5411062377, -2.11485504709'
            test_distance = "3miles"
            location_query = Q("geo_distance", 
            query = query.filter("nested", 