We use the AWS managed Elasticsearch service and recently upgraded from 1.5 to 2.3. We use the elasticsearch-dsl package in python to build our queries and managed to migrate most of our queries, but geo_distance is broken no matter what I try.
'company': {
'properties': {
'id': {'type': 'integer'},
'company_number': {'type': 'string'},
'addresses': {
'type': 'nested',
'properties': {
'postcode': {'type': 'string', 'index': 'not_analyzed'},
'location': {'type': 'geo_point'}
Python code working with elasticsearch-dsl==0.0.11
test_location = '53.5411062377, -2.11485504709'
test_distance = "3miles"
location_filter = F("geo_distance",
query = query.filter("nested",
Query generated by the library:
{'query': {'filtered': {'filter': {'nested': {'filter': {'geo_distance': {'distance': u'3miles', 'location': '53.5411062377, -2.11485504709'}}, 'path': 'addresses'}}, 'query': {'match_all': {}}}}}
We have created a brand new index on a new 2.3 with the same mapping.
After updating to elasticsearch-dsl == 2.1.0 and attempting to convert the filters to queries:
geo_query = Q({"bool": {
"must": [
"geo_distance": {
"distance": "test_distance",
"addresses__location": test_location,
That generates the following query:
{'query': {'bool': {'must': [{'geo_distance': {'distance': '3 miles', u'addresses.location': {'lat': '53.5411062377', 'lon': '-2.11485504709'}}}]}}}
We get the following exception:
RequestError: TransportError(400, u'search_phase_execution_exception', u'failed to find geo_point field [addresses.location]')
I tried referencing the field as 'location' , 'addresses.location', 'addresses' and using the old nested query type. I can't figure out if the mapping is no longer valid in 2.3 or if I am constructing the query wrong.
The query
Q({'nested': {'filter': {
'geo_distance': {'distance': u'3miles', 'location': '53.5411062377, -2.11485504709'}
'path': 'addresses.location'}})
Generates the following error:
RequestError: TransportError(400, u'search_phase_execution_exception', u'[nested] nested object under path [addresses.location] is not of nested type')
I think I need to add lat_lon : True to the mapping for geodistance queries to work, but none of the examples have it.
Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you!
This should work:
test_location = '53.5411062377, -2.11485504709'
test_distance = "3miles"
location_query = Q("geo_distance",
query = query.filter("nested",