I have a class Customer that holds an array of class Order.
class Customer
public string firstname { get; set; }
public string lastname { get; set; }
public Order[] orders {get; set;}
This is my order class:
class Order
public string product { get; set; }
public float price{get; set;}
public int quantity { get; set; }
I am trying to find the three least expensive products.
I have tried many things but none seem to work. This is what I have at the moment:
var result = customer.SelectMany(x => x.orders);
var Least = result.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.price).Take(3);
I realized I need to have distinct as I have many orders with the same product name therefore instead of returning the least three expensive products it was just repeating the least expensive product 3 times.
will not work here because it is selecting distinct Order
objects. In layman's terms, this means that customer A's order of 3 staplers at $9.99 each is different from customer B's order of 2 staplers at $9.99 each, which are also both different from customer C's order of 3 staplers at $9.99 each. So in essence your call to Distinct()
is actually doing nothing.
You have a couple of options. You can create an IEqualityComparer
which will consider Order
s of the same product equal, or you can use GroupBy()
var query = myListOfCustomers.SelectMany(x => x.Orders)
.GroupBy(x => new { x.Product, x.Price })
.Select(x => x.Key)
.OrderBy(x => x.Price)
Note this treats Order
s having the name product name but a different price as a different product. It also assumes Order.Price
is the unit price. I do not know if either of these assumptions are correct.