I have been struggling to find a way of persisting an SQLite database on a Pi under Win IoT which can be accessed by different background applications (not concurrently).
I thought I had the answer when I discovered Libraries (Music, Pictures, Videos - but perversely not Documents, without more work). I can create a text file in one app and write it to the Pictures library's default folder. I can then read the text file with another app. File.Exists returns true. Bingo (I thought)!
However, SQLite will not create a database in the folder or open an existing database that I copy to the folder. SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection returns an SQLite exception: "Could not open database file: C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\Pictures\MyDb.db (CannotOpen)" - no further clues.
The folder appears to grant full permissions. Does anyone have any ideas, please?
Creating and Writing a text file:
using System;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Background;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
//*** NOTE: Pictures Library checked in Package.appxmanifest 'Capabilities'
namespace LibraryTest
public sealed class StartupTask : IBackgroundTask
private BackgroundTaskDeferral Deferral;
public async void Run (IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
Deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral ();
var myPictures = await Windows.Storage.StorageLibrary.GetLibraryAsync
string path = myPictures.SaveFolder.Path;
Debug.WriteLine ($"'Pictures' Folder: {path}");
string newFilePath = Path.Combine (path, "TestTextFile.txt");
Debug.WriteLine ($"New File Path: {newFilePath}");
try {
using ( var stream = File.OpenWrite (newFilePath) ) {
using ( var writer = new StreamWriter (stream) ) {
writer.Write ("This is some test text.");
Debug.WriteLine ($"File created OK");
catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine ($"Exception: {ex.Message}"); }
'Pictures' Folder: C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\Pictures
New File Path: C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\Pictures\TestTextFile.txt
File created OK
using System;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Background;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
//*** NOTE: Pictures Library checked in Package.appxmanifest 'Capabilities'
namespace ReadLibraryTest
public sealed class StartupTask : IBackgroundTask
private BackgroundTaskDeferral Deferral;
public async void Run (IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
Deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral ();
var myPictures = await Windows.Storage.StorageLibrary.GetLibraryAsync
string path = myPictures.SaveFolder.Path;
Debug.WriteLine ($"'Pictures' Folder: {path}");
string newFilePath = Path.Combine (path, "TestTextFile.txt");
Debug.WriteLine ($"New File Path: {newFilePath}");
try {
using ( var stream = File.OpenRead (newFilePath) ) {
using ( var reader = new StreamReader (stream) ) {
string fileContents = reader.ReadLine ();
Debug.WriteLine ($"First line of file: '{fileContents}'");
Debug.WriteLine ($"File read OK");
catch ( Exception ex ) { Debug.WriteLine ($"Exception: {ex.Message}"); }
'Pictures' Folder: C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\Pictures
New File Path: C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\Pictures\TestTextFile.txt
First line of file: 'This is some test text.'
File read OK
However, SQLite will not create a database in the folder or open an existing database that I copy to the folder. SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection returns an SQLite exception: "Could not open database file: C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\Pictures\MyDb.db (CannotOpen)" - no further clues.
Yes, I reproduced this issue. It seems this folder does not work with SQLite file operations but I don't know where the problem is.
As a workaround, you can use PublisherCacheFolder. I create the .db file and write data in one background app. And read the data from another background app. It works.
Contact class:
public sealed class Contact
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Create and write file:
StorageFolder sharedFonts = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.GetPublisherCacheFolder("test");
var sqlpath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sharedFonts.Path, "MyDb.db");
using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), sqlpath))
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Contact contact = new Contact()
Id = i,
Name = "A"
Read file:
StorageFolder sharedFonts = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.GetPublisherCacheFolder("test");
var sqlpath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sharedFonts.Path, "MyDb.db");
using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), sqlpath))
var query = conn.Table<Contact>().Where(v => v.Name.Equals("A"));
foreach (var stock in query)
Debug.WriteLine("contact: " + stock.Id);
To use this publisher folder you need add the following lines in Package.appxmanifest:
<Extension Category="windows.publisherCacheFolders">
<Folder Name="test" />