I'm using laravel cart by Crinsane https://github.com/Crinsane/LaravelShoppingcart
I wanna update options cart, I have many options inside, but I just want only one option to change, and I cannot do it
Here's my code
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Keyboard',
'qty' => 30,
'price' => 399,
'options' => [
'item_code' => 'KEY01',
'dimension' => '30cm x 60cm', ...etc]
and then I want to change options
Here's my code
$rowId, [
'qty' => 60,
'price' => 299,
'options' => [
'item_code' => 'KEY02']
and then the result options only item_code, and others are disappear I want the others options still there, how to handle this?
Sorry for bad English
Thanks for Answer
Please try by following code.
$item = Cart::get($rowId);
$option = $item->option->merge(['item_code' => 'KEY02']);
$rowId, [
'qty' => 60,
'price' => 299,
'options' => $option