I am new to swift/xcode/iOS development. I've created a project in xcode and I'm having the weirdest bug affect me. When I launch xcode, the storyboard images appear to be distorted. I can close xcode, re-launch and sometimes they will be fine and sometimes they will not be fine. What would cause these images to distort? When I run the app both on a device and simulator the images are fine and have no issues at all. Why only on the storyboard do these images get distorted?
EDIT: The possible duplicate question is about question marks displaying whereas in my Xcode it is about the images being distorted. I came across that answer while searching but since they said it was question marks I didn't think it was related to me. Anyone now searching for distorted images will come across this question and find the right info. Thanks to all
It loads in the original image, because you have no "screen scale" showing the @2x or @3x image . When you run it in the device, it loads the correct @2x or @3x depending on the device scale.