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What might cause scheduled Rails Active Jobs to disappear?

I have a suspicion that some our active jobs are disappearing but I don't know why. Below is one I have found the evidence for it's disappearance, but not the reason why.

Our site makes use of an external cloud printing service. We kick the jobs off and then check their status. Having successfully created the remote cloud print, we create an active job to check the status immediately. If it's finished (successfully or otherwise), it's marked as such. If not then the check status job creates another one, with a slight delay. The delay increases each time.

One a status check today, the logs show that the wait reached 128 seconds. But the next status check did not occur, and there are no errors in the log either.

We use active job backed by delayed job. The code for the status check job is below. It can't see any flaw in the logic which would not result in either correctly collected status check or another attempt with a wait.

class CheckCloudPrintStatusJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :default

  def perform(cloud_print, count = 0)

    unless cloud_print.finished?
      count += 1
      wait = 2**(count-1)

      if count > 15

        puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
        puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cloud printing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
        puts "Cloud print ##{} failed"
        puts "Finally waited #{wait} seconds and then cancelled."
        puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
        puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
        puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cloud printing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
        puts "Checking status of cloud print ##{}"
        puts "Waiting #{wait} seconds and then retrying."
        puts "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

        CheckCloudPrintStatusJob.set(wait: wait.seconds).perform_later(cloud_print, count)


  • Correct, there is no flaw in the stated logic that would result in either correctly collected status check or another attempt with a wait.

    I've verified that your job code behaves successfully beyond a 128-second wait with the following setup:

    • rails new project
    • delayed_job_active_record added to the Gemfile (running bundle install)
    • rails generate delayed_job:active_record and rake db:migrate to install gems and create the Delayed Job DB table
    • config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job in config/application.rb
    • a basic CloudPrint < ApplicationRecord model with update_status, finished? and mark_as_failed methods in app/models/cloud_print.rb
    • the provided code in app/jobs/check_cloud_print_status_job.rb
    • Enqueuing a job by running CheckCloudPrintStatusJob.perform_later(CloudPrint.create) via the Rails Console (bin/rails c)

    Since the above sequence behaved correctly without any issue, you need to expand your search by providing a more complete and verifiable example that actually reproduces the problem. Either upload your entire Rails project into a GitHub repo once you've been able to reproduce your issue consistently, or investigate other aspects of your environment and project configuration. Here are some possibilities:

    • There could be logic in your model class that could possibly raise any exceptions;
    • The worker-processing daemon could have been aborted or killed;
    • The job queue could have been cleared (e.g., via rake jobs:clear)
    • Another process could have modified and/or deleted the model object being processed;
    • finished? could have returned true after update_status was invoked, causing the final status check to not have been printed even though the processing finished successfully.

    N.B. - Delayed Job supports retrying failed jobs with a delay of 5 seconds + N ** 4, where N is the number of attempts, there's no need to re-implement this logic yourself. Just raise an exception if cloud_print.finished? is false, and you shouldn't need any other custom delay code:

    class CheckCloudPrintStatusJob < ApplicationJob
      queue_as :default
      def perform(cloud_print)
        raise 'Not ready' unless cloud_print.finished?