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Can the non-string "property name" passed to #keyPath() be saved independently?

I was very happy to find Swift 3's implementation of #keyPath(), which will eliminate typos and enforce at compile time that the key path actually exists. Much better than manually typing Strings.

class MyObject {
    @objc var myString: String = "default"

// Works great
let keyPathString = #keyPath(MyObject.myString)

The Swift docs list the type being passed into #keyPath() as a "property name".

"property name"

The property name must be a reference to a property that is available in the Objective-C runtime. At compile time, the key-path expression is replaced by a string literal.

Is it possible to save this "property name" independently, then later pass to #keyPath() to create a String?

let propertyName = MyObject.myString // error. How do I save?
let string = #keyPath(propertyName)

Is there any support for requiring a property name belonging to a specific Type?

// something like this
let typedPropertyName: MyObject.PropertyName = myString // error
let string = #keyPath(typedPropertyName)

The end goal will be interacting with with APIs that require an NSExpression for a key path. I would like to write convenience methods that take a valid Property Name as a parameter, rather than random key path strings. Ideally, a Property Name implemented by a specific Type.

func doSomethingForSpecificTypeProperty(_ propertyName: MyObject.PropertyName) {

    let keyPathString = #keyPath(propertyName)

    let expression = NSExpression(forKeyPath: keyPathString)

    // ...


  • It doesn't look like it is possible.

    Here's the compiler's code to parse a key path expression:

    ///   expr-keypath:
    ///     '#keyPath' '(' unqualified-name ('.' unqualified-name) * ')'
    ParserResult<Expr> Parser::parseExprKeyPath() {
      // Consume '#keyPath'.
      SourceLoc keywordLoc = consumeToken(tok::pound_keyPath);
      // Parse the leading '('.
      if (! {
        diagnose(Tok, diag::expr_keypath_expected_lparen);
        return makeParserError();
      SourceLoc lParenLoc = consumeToken(tok::l_paren);
      // Handle code completion.
      SmallVector<Identifier, 4> names;
      SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> nameLocs;
      auto handleCodeCompletion = [&](bool hasDot) -> ParserResult<Expr> {
        ObjCKeyPathExpr *expr = nullptr;
        if (!names.empty()) {
          expr = ObjCKeyPathExpr::create(Context, keywordLoc, lParenLoc, names,
                                         nameLocs, Tok.getLoc());
        if (CodeCompletion)
          CodeCompletion->completeExprKeyPath(expr, hasDot);
        // Eat the code completion token because we handled it.
        return makeParserCodeCompletionResult(expr);
      // Parse the sequence of unqualified-names.
      ParserStatus status;
      while (true) {
        // Handle code completion.
        if (
          return handleCodeCompletion(!names.empty());
        // Parse the next name.
        DeclNameLoc nameLoc;
        bool afterDot = !names.empty();
        auto name = parseUnqualifiedDeclName(
                      afterDot, nameLoc, 
        if (!name) {
        // Cannot use compound names here.
        if (name.isCompoundName()) {
          diagnose(nameLoc.getBaseNameLoc(), diag::expr_keypath_compound_name,
            .fixItReplace(nameLoc.getSourceRange(), name.getBaseName().str());
        // Record the name we parsed.
        // Handle code completion.
        if (
          return handleCodeCompletion(false);
        // Parse the next period to continue the path.
        if (consumeIf(tok::period))
      // Parse the closing ')'.
      SourceLoc rParenLoc;
      if (status.isError()) {
        if (
          rParenLoc = consumeToken();
          rParenLoc = PreviousLoc;
      } else {
        parseMatchingToken(tok::r_paren, rParenLoc,
                           diag::expr_keypath_expected_rparen, lParenLoc);
      // If we cannot build a useful expression, just return an error
      // expression.
      if (names.empty() || status.isError()) {
        return makeParserResult<Expr>(
                 new (Context) ErrorExpr(SourceRange(keywordLoc, rParenLoc)));
      // We're done: create the key-path expression.
      return makeParserResult<Expr>(
               ObjCKeyPathExpr::create(Context, keywordLoc, lParenLoc, names,
                                       nameLocs, rParenLoc));

    This code first creates a list of period-separated names inside the parentheses, and then it attempts to parse them as an expression. It accepts an expression and not data of any Swift type; it accepts code, not data.