I'm trying to get some R packages compiled using conda build
for upload to anaconda.org, but they just end up containing the recipe. I feel like I may be missing an option for conda build or something. For the sake of this example,
say I download the three files for the recipe for r-aer from here: https://github.com/conda/conda-recipes/tree/master/r-packages/r-aer and then run
conda build .
Everything goes fine and it creates a bz2 file and says:
# If you want to upload this package to anaconda.org later, type:
# $ anaconda upload /anaconda/conda-bld/linux-64/r-aer-1.2_4-r3.3.2_0.tar.bz2
But, if I go to that file and unzip it, it just contains
In contrast to other packages there which have the R library files themselves.
If I go through the steps of uploading it to anaconda.org, then try to install if from there (add the channel, etc), all it does is put the recipe in the lib
Also tried using convert, etc.
Looks like when I ran conda build .
it was installing the (test) library to the first path given by .libPaths()
, which wasn't the path to the conda build environment. Setting .libPaths()
to only refer to the active environment directory fixed this problem.