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HTML - editing code within <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

Windows 7 32-bit Dreamweaver 8

I am new to HTML & Dreamweaver.

I am using Dreamweaver to edit a website originally put together by someone else.

On each website page is some footer code. I need to edit this code and indeed can do it on every page except one - which is greyed out and i can't edit it?

Is there some way i can edit this code? I do not really understand why it is greyed out only on this page? My HTML is very limited and i am currently learning.

The difference between the page i can't edit and the others seems to be the InstanceEndEditable and InstanceEnd parts

Any advice greatly appreciated

Here is the code i cannot edit...(code preview looks a bit odd hope it's visible - i've had to remove some of the hyperlinks in it as i have less than 10 posts here)

   <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
<div class="Footer">
  <p class="White">Policy</a>| 
  <p class="White"> 
  <div id="simplegallery2" style="text-align:center; width:65px; height:39px; margin:0 auto;"></div>
  <p class="L8_White">...............................................................................................................................................................</p>
  <p><strong>Crystal Clear Development Co., Ltd</strong></p>
  <p><strong>Crystal Clear Vessels Co., Ltd</strong></p>
  <p> 9/115 Moo. 9 , Chaofa Rd., Chalong, Muang, Phuket 83130 Tel/Fax: +66 (0) 76 383 306 Mobile : +66 828 004718, 801 427457</p>
  <p> E-mail: <a href="mailto:  l  Website: 
  <p>Copyright © 2009 Crystal Clear Thailand. All rights reserved. Web design by Alexander Evengroen &amp; 
<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost =  
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7136030-27"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); }  
catch(err) {}</script>
<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


  • You can't edit code outside of the <!--InstanceEndEditable--> sections. You have to modify this from the original template (dwt file). If you want, you can go in a text editor and change it outside of Dreamweaver, but if the DWT file ever gets updated (not a concern if you do not have the DWT file), the footer will be replaced.

    The location of the DWT file is often listed at the very beginning of the document. Scroll to the top and you will see a bunch of dreamweaver tags that list information on the template.