I want to get the number of tickets sold per payment method for each event and I've the follow query:
SELECT count(distinct(a.performance_id)) as EventQuantity,
sum(a.admission_count) as TicketQuantity
FROM vw_PrecioTipoZona_Paid as a
WHERE 1 = 1
AND a.performance_id ='DED63133-A099-4949-AA57-13BBE9462BAF'
GROUP BY a.performance_id
and I get this result, which is OK:
EventQuantity TicketQuantity
1 203
But when join the table with other, the result which is sum, in this case a.admission_count
is multiplied by the number of records in the other table.
The query who has problem is this:
SELECT a.performance_id,
count(distinct(a.performance_id)) as EventQuantity,
sum(a.admission_count) as TicketQuantity,
b.payment_method as PaymentMethod
FROM vw_PrecioTipoZona_Paid as a inner join vw_Payment_UserByPerformance as b
on a.performance_id = b.performance_id
1 = 1
and a.performance_id ='DED63133-A099-4949-AA57-13BBE9462BAF'
group by a.performance_id, b.payment_method
With this query I'm getting this result:
EventQuantity TicketQuantity PaymentMethod
1 10353 Cash
1 5887 Card
1 1624 MasterCardECommerce
1 812 VisaEcommece
And this result is wrong, the result should be:
EventQuantity TicketQuantity PaymentMethod
1 111 Cash
1 63 Card
1 17 MasterCardECommerce
1 8 VisaEcommece
The vw_Payment_UserByPerformance view structure is the follow:
performance_id user_role_id userrole_name userrole_group date_transaction user_id user_name owner_user_id owner_user_name amount_adm_net amount_req_net amount_charge_charge amount_total amount_net chargeTransaction tax payment_method
And the vw_PrecioTipoZona_Paid view structure is the follow:
performance_id performance_name performance_start_date date_transaction user_role_id userrole_name userrole_group user_id user_name price_type price_zone price_zone_priority admission_count NET charge1 charge2 charge3 charge4 charge5 GROSS
Do I have to make subquery? Where is the problem here?
MySQl allows you to incorrectly use group by. You should never use the technique you used in this query.
SELECT a.performance_id,
count(distinct(a.performance_id)) as EventQuantity,
sum(a.admission_count) as TicketQuantity,
b.payment_method as PaymentMethod
FROM vw_PrecioTipoZona_Paid as a inner join vw_Payment_UserByPerformance as b
on a.performance_id = b.performance_id
a.performance_id ='DED63133-A099-4949-AA57-13BBE9462BAF'
group by a.performance_id, b.payment_method
When you use group by the only way to guarantee correct results is to group by all the non-aggregated fields. All other databases make this part of the syntax and thus do not have this problem.
If this still does not give the correct results, then there is a problem with the specifics of what you intended vice what you wrote. We would need to see the business requirement, that table structure, the sample data in the tables and teh sample results in order to help you find the correct query.
Looking at your additional details added while I was writing this, I think you need to use a derived table.
SELECT a.performance_id,
count(a.performance_id) as EventQuantity,
a.admission_count as TicketQuantity,
b.payment_method as PaymentMethod
FROM (select performance_id, sum(admission_count) as Admissioncount vw_PrecioTipoZona_Paid
WHERE a.performance_id ='DED63133-A099-4949-AA57-13BBE9462BAF'
group by performance_id )as a
inner join vw_Payment_UserByPerformance as b
on a.performance_id = b.performance_id
group by a.performance_id, b.payment_method