i'm trying to get information about remote pc on the network , like serial number , computer model etc.. and i try the following commend on php ,but it's not work.
please help
Note : when i use it on CMD and it's work fine ,also when i test the local ip address on the same code it's work fine
$pcname = "test-pc";
$test=shell_exec("C:\\Windows\\System32\\wbem\\WMIC.exe /NODE:". $pcname." COMPUTERSYSTEM GET USERNAME");
also the i try the following code as well
$test=shell_exec("WMIC /NODE:". $pcname." COMPUTERSYSTEM GET USERNAME");
i found the solution , when you want to exec WMIC on php to get information about remote pc you have to mention domain username and password ,as you can see below ,
$test1=shell_exec('wmic /USER:"domain\username1" /PASSWORD:"password1" /NODE:"test-pc" COMPUTERSYSTEM GET USERNAME');
echo $test1;