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Get job status and type from BackupExec with use of PowerShell

I would like to get command, which could be executed on standalone hosts to get status and type of a specific backup job. Variable $jobname stores the name of the job.

Get-BEJob -Name $jobname | 
  select JobType, Status | 
  ft -auto 

I also tried to use this one, but don't know exactly how to filter out necessary data.

Get-BETapeDriveDevice |
  Submit-BEInventoryJob |
  select Name, JobType |
  ft –auto

I would like to get only 2 words as output.


  • To obtain historical data, it looks like you need to use a different CmdLet...



    Gets job histories in Backup Exec.

    Without parameters, Get-BEJobHistory gets all of the Backup Exec job histories. You can also specify a job history by job history name or job history ID (Guid) or pass a Backup Exec job history object through the pipeline to Get-BEJobHistory.
