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Freemarker - compose language switch url

I am using freemarker template engine with Spring and I want to add or replace lang=xxx parameter in the href attribute of link element when rendering page.

The closest solution I have found is following:

<a href="${springMacroRequestContext.getRequestUri()}?lang=en'/>English</a>

But this is not sufficient when I have URL with parameters and fragments because I will miss them. For example http://localhost/sports/search?query=Volleyball&lang=cs#some-fragment results in http://localhost/sports/search?lang=en

How to compose the URL with added or changed lang parameter in freemarker and do not miss any part of requested URL?


  • I preferred to do it in Java, this simple implementation does not take into account hashes (#) or the presence of the given parameter in the url..

    public static String addParamToUrl(String url, String paramName, String paramValue){
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(url);
        //adding separator
        if(url.indexOf('?') == -1){
        }else if(!url.endsWith("?") && !url.endsWith("&")){
        if(paramValue != null){
            buffer.append(URLEncoder.encode(paramValue, "UTF-8"));
        return buffer.toString();

    Put this method in a Class ( that can be staticly accessed by Freemarker engine and than:

    <#assign url = Utils.addParamToUrl(springMacroRequestContext.getRequestUri(), "lang", "en") />
    <a href="${url}">English</a>

    To expose your Utils class you have to customize FreemarkerManager

    public class MyFreemarkerManager extends FreemarkerManager {
        public MyFreemarkerManager(){
        protected void populateContext(ScopesHashModel model, ValueStack stack, Object action, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
            super.populateContext(model, stack, action, request, response);
            try {
                BeansWrapper beansWrapper = new BeansWrapperBuilder(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_24).build();
                TemplateHashModel staticModels = beansWrapper.getStaticModels();
                TemplateHashModel utils = (TemplateHashModel)staticModels.get("com.package.Utils");
                model.put("Utils", utils);  
            } catch (TemplateModelException e) {

    Finally you have to tell Spring you are using MyFreemarkerManager as manager for Freemarker.