I want to calculate weekly returns of a mutual fund from a time series of daily prices. My data looks like this:
02/01/12 1 1 2,7587
03/01/12 1 2 2,7667
04/01/12 1 3 2,7892
05/01/12 1 4 2,7666
06/01/12 1 5 2,7391 -0,007
09/01/12 2 1 2,7288
10/01/12 2 2 2,6707
11/01/12 2 3 2,7044
12/01/12 2 4 2,7183
13/01/12 2 5 2,7619 0,012
16/01/12 3 1 2,7470
17/01/12 3 2 2,7878
18/01/12 3 3 2,8156
19/01/12 3 4 2,8310
20/01/12 3 5 2,8760 0,047
The date is (dd/mm/yy) format and "," is decimal separator. This would be done by using this formula: (Price for last weekday - Price for first weekday)/(Price for first weekday). For example the return for the first week is (2,7391 - 2,7587)/2,7587 = -0,007 and for the second is (2,7619 - 2,7288)/2,7288 = 0,012.
The problem is that the list goes on for a year, and some weeks have less than five working days due to holidays or other reasons. So I can't simply copy and paste the formula above. I added the extra two columns for week number and week day using WEEKNUM and WEEKDAY functions, thought it might help. I want to automate this with a formula or using VBA and hoping to get a table like this:
1 -0,007
2 0,012
3 0,047
As I said some weeks have less than five weekdays, some start with weekday 2 or end with weekday 3 etc. due to holidays or other reasons. So I'm thinking of a way to tell excel to "find the prices that correspond to the max and min weekday of each week and apply the formula (Price for last weekday - Price for first weekday)/(Price for first weekday)".
Sorry for the long post, I tried to be be as clear as possible, I would appreciate any help! (I have 5 separate worksheets for consecutive years, each with daily prices of 20 mutual funds)
To do it in one formula:
You may need to change all the ,
to ;
per your local settings.