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Inline Widgets in Kentico Repeater

I have a repeater that evaluates the content field from a page. This content may have inline widgets in it:

Now, normally I would wrap Eval("Content") in a placeholder with EnableViewState="false" and then resolve it dynamically in code behind but the problem is that the repeater repeats the ID for the placeholder rendering it invalid.

Is there anyway around this?

<cms:CMSUniView ID="MainNavMenu" runat="server" >
                <a href="<%# Eval("Link") %>"
                    title="<%# HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode( Convert.ToString(Eval("DocumentName"))) %>" >
                    <%# HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode( Convert.ToString(Eval("DocumentName"))) %>
                <%# Eval("Content") %>


  • You can try to resolve the content by using CMS.MacroEngine.MacroResolver.Resolve() method. So your code will look like:

    <%# MacroResolver.Resolve(Eval("Content").ToString()) %>

    And if you want to find any control inside a repeater template, I guess you should do it on ItemDataBound event. Example