Search code examples

Remove special characters using Pentaho - Replace in String

I wanted to remove the special characters like ! @ # $ % ^ * _ = + | \ } { [ ] : ; < > ? / in a string field.

I used the "Replace in String" step and enabled the use RegEx. However, I do not know the right syntax that I will put in "Search" to remove all these characters from the string. If I only put one character in the "Search" it was removed from the string. How can I remove all of these??

This is the picture of how I did it: This is the picture of how I did it


  • As per documentation, the regex flavor is Java. You may use


    See the Java regex syntax reference:

    \p{Punct} Punctuation: One of !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~