I am building browser application with real-time updates.
Application allows to read and edit spreadsheet together with other people online.
However, some people have poor Internet connection and disconnects may occur.
I want application to be able to update to the latest data after Internet reconnection.
Currently Pusher and application work so:
So my problem is: Pusher doesn't receive events after automatic reconnect which were triggered by other people during Internet disconnection.
I am using default Pusher configuration, private channel, latest stable version and don't do any magic.
Pusher does not currently provide this functionality. To implement this yourself you would have to send a numeric ID with each message that increases in value. You would also need to store a cache of all sent messages in a database. Clients can keep track of the last ID they received. After disconnecting and reconnecting, they can send a request to your server asking for all messages greater than the last message ID they received. Your server should respond with messages matching that query in your database.