I'm getting this error when I try to import some of the saleorders, I need to debug the values of the return statement but i'm not getting anything but errors. The code is working for the majority of the saleorders but i get in the error on a couple of orders and i can't identify the error.
I try with print_r() and var_dump() but is not working.
Python is returning the error "ValueError: "not well-formed (invalid token)".
$saleorders[] = new xmlrpcval( array("id" => new xmlrpcval( $row[0], "int"),
"price_type" => new xmlrpcval( clean_special_chars($price_type), "string" ),
"note" => new xmlrpcval(clean_special_chars($note), "string" ),
"lines" => new xmlrpcval( $orderlines, "array"),
"pay_met" => new xmlrpcval( search_payment_method($row[24]), "int"),
"pay_met_title" => new xmlrpcval( clean_special_chars($row[24]), "string"),
"shipping_price" => new xmlrpcval( $shopping_price, "double"),
"shipping_title" => new xmlrpcval(html_entity_decode(clean_special_chars($shipping_title)), "string"),
"orders_status" => new xmlrpcval( clean_special_chars($status), "string"),
"partner" => $partner,
"date" => new xmlrpcval( $row[21], "string"),
"address" => $default_address,
"delivery" => $delivery_address,
"billing" => $billing_address,
"order_subtotal" => new xmlrpcval($order_subtotal, "double"),
"order_tax" => new xmlrpcval($order_tax, "double"),
"order_total" => new xmlrpcval($order_total, "double"),
), "struct");
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($saleorders, "array"));
Try with the method serialize of the xmlrpcval to see the values Link: https://gggeek.github.io/jsxmlrpc/javadoc/xmlrpcval.html#serialize