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PHP - IRC Connection

Here is my script:

$ircServer = "";
$ircPort = "6667";
$ircChannel = "#";


$ircSocket = fsockopen($ircServer, $ircPort, $eN, $eS);

if ($ircSocket) {

    fwrite($ircSocket, "USER Lost rawr.test lol :code\n");
    fwrite($ircSocket, "NICK Rawr" . rand() . "\n");
    fwrite($ircSocket, "JOIN " . $ircChannel . "\n");

    while(1) {
        while($data = fgets($ircSocket, 128)) {
            echo nl2br($data);

            // Separate all data
            $exData = explode(' ', $data);

            // Send PONG back to the server
            if($exData[0] == "PING") {
                fwrite($ircSocket, "PONG ".$exData[1]."\n");
} else {
    echo $eS . ": " . $eN;

I am having problem's adding a function that will Private message everyone on the IRC channel. I tried $read and other methods it does not work and IRC hangs.

NOTE: This is for educational/private purposes no harm is done or made.


  • I've written several IRC bots years ago in Perl, and to be honest, I can't remember them anymore. Anyway, to send a private message to all the users, first you need to get all the users in the channel.

    Anyway, the command to send a private message is:

    PRIVMSG #channel :Sup?

    Yeah, it will echo "Sup?" at the #channel. Then same goes for a user:

    PRIVMSG John :Sup?

    All you need to do is get all the users. To do this:

    NAMES #channel

    The code is up to you. Good luck.

    EDIT: To get a percentage of the users, simply load them in an array, then use shuffle() shuffle($array); if you want to randomize their positions. Then use count() $size = count($array); for the array size, multiply the size by the percentage. $target = $size * 0.10; for 10%. Then use round() to get the rounded-off number.

    Now, loop the array of users and set the limit to $target. There you have it.

    EDIT: Here's a sample code (the rest of the code is up to you ofc:

    $msg = $_POST['message'];
    $pr = $_POST['percentage'];
    $pr /= $100; // if the input is already 0.10 or something, no need to do this.
    $size = count($users);
    $target = $size * $pr;
    $target = $round($target);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $target; $i++) {
        fwrite($ircSocket, "PRIVMSG " . $users[$i] . " :" . $msg . "\n")