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Zingchart bar chart starting at y axis -50

When I am trying to create a barchart for mobile, the y axis actually starts from the middle of the screen, hence i am unable to see my chart completely. For viewing the chart, i need to zoom out the device by 20%, or i need to set a plotarea y value as -50. Can someone let me know where am i going wrong?

Graph is seen when added the below code:

            adjustLayout: 1,
            backgroundFit: "y",
            "y": -50

Attached image can be seen here: 1st: Without zoom, 2nd: With 20% zoom out, 3rd: with y as -50

Complete code is here:

var myConfig = {
        type: "bar",
        backgroundColor: "transparent",
            adjustLayout: 1,
            backgroundFit: "y"
            //"y": -50
            "rules": [
                    "rule": "%i==0",
                    "background-color": "#ACD373",
                    "placement": "in"
                    "rule": "%i==1",
                    "background-color": "#B7B7B7",
                    "placement": "in"
                    "rule": "%i==2",
                    "background-color": "#FF6E5B",
                    "placement": "in"
                    "rule": "%i==3",
                    "background-color": "#6DCFF6",
                    "placement": "in"
                    "rule": "%i==4",
                    "background-color": "#F9AD81",
                    "placement": "in"
                    "rule": "%i==5",
                    "background-color": "#898989",
                    "placement": "in"
                fontColor: "#fff",
                connector: {
                    lineWidth: 1
                "text": "%v",
                "font-size": 20,
                "font-weight": "normal",
                "font-style": "normal"
        "scale-x": {
                "color": "#fff"
                color: "#fff",
            zooming: true,
              "visible": false
                //text:"Hold SHIFT to detach<br>multiple slices",
                textAlign: "left",
                fontColor: "#fff"
        series: [{values:[]}]

The same code works perfectly for another chart with the same data set and same width height for the div which is rendering this chart. Also, i can't make the y value as -50 as i have bound the chart top open another chart on clicking any of the bars. On making y as -50, i am unable to click the bars.


  • It might be because, either you would have the font-size that makes chart extend the screen size or try changing the margin it might help, I tried it in the past but with no luck.