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SPARQL individuals queries for Pizza ontology

I wrote this query but it does't work. Anyone knows what is the problem.

        WHERE {?X :hasCountryOfOrigin "Italy".
               ?Y :hasCalorificValue "400"}


  • According to the Pizza ontology tutorial here, there are two main issues with your query:

    1. hasCountryOfOrigin is an object property, thus, the values can't be literals. Italy is an individual, thus, you have to use the correct URI, probably
    2. The data property hasCalorificValue has values of type integer, i.e. literals should be used like "400"^^xsd:integer (or maybe xsd:int, depends on what you've chosen in Protege)
    3. Both triple patterns in your query are not connected, i.e. no shared variable. I don't see the goal of your query.
    PREFIX : <>
    SELECT ?X ?Y
            WHERE {?X :hasCountryOfOrigin :Italy.
                   ?Y :hasCalorificValue "400"^^xsd:integer}