trim(field1) field1
CVDATE(date1) date1
from tabel1
where trim(field1) <> 'ABC' ') at AE --linked server
I need to dump the result generated from EXECUTION statement into a view. Is this possible? I am guessing the query is written this way is due to performance reasons
You can use the openquery to run the SELECT on remote server and create a view from the result set.
Here is a code sample. The sample creates local1
as the linked server and executes the query on it. If you already have your linked server registered, you don't need to run the step 1 and 4.
-- Step 1. register a linked server
exec sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'local1',
@srvproduct = '',
@datasrc = 'NameOfTheRemoteServer' -- if server has multiple instances use 'NameOfTheServer\NameOfTheInstance'
-- Step 2. run the query on remote server and create a view out of the results
create view ViewTest
select * from openquery(
top 10
lower(AddressLine1) as Street,
ModifiedDate as dt
from AdventureWorks2014.Person.Address'
-- Step 3. check the view
select * from ViewTest
-- Step 4. finally drop the linked server
sp_dropserver 'local1'