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How to queue rufus-scheduler jobs

I have something like the following:

# myScript.rb

require 'rufus-scheduler'

  def loop
    "hey I am i the loop"

  def run_schedule(url, count, method, interval)
    puts "running scheduler"

    scheduler =

    scheduler.every interval do

    loop(url, count, method)

  run_schedule(url, count, method, interval)

My expectation is that when I run:

bundle exec ruby myScript.rb url, count, method, interval

I see output to STD a bunch of "hey I am in the loop" based on the interval.

What happens is I exit to the command line prompt and never see the loop run.


  • How can you expect

    def loop
      "hey I am i the loop"

    to output anything to stdout (not STD)? It is just returning a string, it is not calling print or puts...

    # myScript.rb
    require 'rufus-scheduler'
    def _loop(u, c, m)
      # "loop" is a bad name, it's a Ruby keyword, so using "_loop" instead
      # it's still a bad name
      p "hey I am i the loop"
      p [, [ u, c, m ] ]
        # without p or puts nothing gets to stdout
    $scheduler =
      # creating a single scheduler for the whole script
      # not creating a new scheduler each time run_schedule is called
    def run_schedule(url, count, method, interval)
      #puts "running scheduler"
      #scheduler =
        # commenting out...
      $scheduler.every interval do
        _loop(url, count, method)
    #run_schedule(url, count, method, interval)
    run_schedule('url', 'count', 'method', '3s')
      # let the Ruby main thread join the scheduler thread so that
      # the Ruby process does not exit and so scheduling may happen

    and so it goes:

    "hey I am i the loop"
    [2017-02-08 06:06:01 +0900, ["url", "count", "method"]]
    "hey I am i the loop"
    [2017-02-08 06:06:05 +0900, ["url", "count", "method"]]
    "hey I am i the loop"
    [2017-02-08 06:06:08 +0900, ["url", "count", "method"]]

    Note the $scheduler.join at the end of the script. That prevents the Ruby process from exiting. Since that process doesn't exist, the threads in it (in our case, the thread in the rufus-scheduler instance) live and do their work. Your initial script was simply exiting, freeing all its resources, as expected.