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Convert command not working in windows

Installed ImageMagick-7.0.4-7-Q16-x64-dll.exe for resolving the issue of Tesseract facing problems with smaller font explained in this Stackoverflow question Is there any way to improve tesseract OCR with small fonts?

I ran the following convert command. But it still says invalid parameter.

C:\Users\rt\Desktop\Sample_Files>convert -resize 400% image5.jpg image5out.jpg
Invalid Parameter - 400%

and when I ran this

C:\Users\rt\Desktop\Sample_Files>where convert.exe

so just one convert.exe, I guess which belongs to windows convert.

I am missing something or something wrong with Tesseract or ImageMagick? can anyone help ?


  • convert is now replaced by magick to avoid clashing with Windows CONVERT.EXE.

    identify becomes magick identify.

    mogrify becomes magick mogrify. Likewise, animate, compare, compose and stream.

    Or alternatively, to keep using the old command names, you must tick the Legacy box when installing ImageMagick.