Trying to install Amabri Management Pack and i cannot get the command to run
ambari-server install-mpack --mpack= --purge --verbose
Using python /usr/bin/python Usage: {start|stop|restart|setup|setup-jce|upgrade|status|upgradestack|setup-ldap|sync-ldap|set-current|setup-security|setup-sso|refresh-stack-hash|backup|restore|update-host-names|check-database|db-cleanup|enable-stack} [options] Use --help to get details on options available. Or, simply invoke --help to print the options.
What is going on?
I'm on CentOS 6, my repo satellite had Ambari for CentOS 7. Running yum install ambari-server --nogpgcheck caused the wrong version to be forced onto CentOS 6.