I stumbled a couple of times into this Light DOM thing but wasn't able to understand the difference with Shadow DOM. If someone out there could provide a clear answer it would be much appreciated.
The Light DOM is simply the plain old DOM tree inside a HTML element.
The term is only used in the context of web components to distinguish it from the Shadow DOM. I suppose the normal DOM was redefined as Light in contrast with Shadow.
The specs call it the shadowroot host's node tree, or light tree:
A shadow root is always attached to another node tree through its host. A shadow tree is therefore never alone. The node tree of a shadow root’s host is sometimes referred to as the light tree.
I call it the normal DOM :-)
The Shadow DOM is the added DOM that recovers, masks, or replaces the normal DOM, as explained in the article from Google.
The rendered DOM can be a combination of the Shadow DOM and the Light DOM (through <slot>
Note: it's not possible to completely polyfill the Shadow DOM behaviour in JavaScript, so Shadow DOM polyfills actually deal with normal DOM trees only.