I'm trying to create a Stream Analytics blob storage output using powershell. This is the command I'm using:
New-AzureRMStreamAnalyticsOutput -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -JobName $JobName –File soutput.json" -Force
and the output.json file looks like this:
"name": "test",
"properties": {
"datasource": {
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/Blob",
"properties": {
"storageAccounts": ["testStorage"],
"container": "testContainer",
"pathPattern": "",
"accountName": "testStorage",
"accountKey": "storage-key"
And I'm getting this error:
New-AzureRMStreamAnalyticsOutput : HTTP Status Code: BadRequest
Error Code: BadRequest
Error Message: The JSON provided in the request body is invalid.
Error converting value "testStorage" to type 'Microsoft.Streaming.Service.Contracts.CSMResourceProvider.BlobConnectionInfo'.
Path 'properties.storageAccounts[0]', line 8, position 106.
What should be in the storageAccounts property?
What should be in the storageAccounts property?
We need to set storageAccounts property:
"StorageAccounts": [
"AccountKey": "storagekey",
"AccountName": "storageaccount"
Property "Serialization
" need to be included in the output json file.Please have a try to use output.json file as following. It works correctly for me.
"Name": "S3PSAJobOutPut",
"Properties": {
"DataSource": {
"Properties": {
"Container": "s3psaoutput",
"PathPattern": "",
"StorageAccounts": [
"AccountKey": "storagekey",
"AccountName": "storageaccount"
"Type": "Microsoft.Storage/Blob"
"Serialization": {
"Properties": {
"Encoding": "UTF8",
"Format": "LineSeparated"
"Type": "Json"