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Nativescript-fresco with ng2+Natiivescript

I followed the guidelines to use nativescript-fresco with ng2+nativescript for my android app because it was crashing every time I scrolled more than once down then up. The component in which I'm using it is a listview which displays 20 online images. The urls are passed from the parent component through a @Input directive which works. However, when I switched to FrescoDrawee, the listview is rendered but the images are not.

Here is the html for the component

<GridLayout columns="*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*" height="100" class="item"
        <Image [src]="data.imageUrl" row="0" col="0" colspan="3" class="ios-product-image" (tap)="details(data)"></Image>
        <!--<Image [src]="data.imageUrl" row="0" col="0" colspan="3" class="android-product-image" (tap)="details(data)"></Image>-->
        <nativescript-fresco:FrescoDrawee width="100" height="100"

    <StackLayout row="0" col="3" colSpan="5" (tap)="details(data)">
        <Label [text]="" class="product-name"></Label>
        <Label [text]="data.description" textWrap="true" class="product-description"></Label>
        <GridLayout columns="*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*" class="increment-decrement" style="width: 100%; height: 20%; vertical-align: bottom">
            <Label [text]="data.price" class="product-price" col="0" colSpan="5"></Label>
                <Button text="-" col="5" colSpan="1" (tap)="dec()"></Button>
                <Label [text]="count" col="6" colSpan="3" class="product-amount" ></Label>
                <Button text="+" col="9" colSpan="1" (tap)="inc()"></Button>
                <Label text="-" col="5" colSpan="1" class="inc-dec" (tap)="dec()"></Label>
                <Label [text]="count" col="6" colSpan="3" class="product-amount"></Label>
                <Label text="+" col="9" colSpan="1" class="inc-dec" (tap)="inc()"></Label>


        <Button col="11" class="cart" colSpan="1"></Button>

        <Label col="11" class="cart" colSpan="1"></Label>

    <Image src="~/media/ic_add_shopping_cart_white_24dp.png" col="11"
           style="height: 20%; width: 20%;" (tap)="addToCart()"></Image>


And this is the Type-script

import { Component, OnInit, Input} from "@angular/core";
import LabelModule = require("ui/label");
import application = require("application");
import { RouterExtensions } from "nativescript-angular/router";
import { PublicVariables } from "../../shared/publicVariables";

  templateUrl: 'pages/products/product_list.html',
  styleUrls: ['pages/products/product_list-common.css',      'pages/products/product_list.css']

export class ProductListComponent implements OnInit {
   @Input() data: any;
   private count=0;

constructor(private routerExtensions: RouterExtensions) {}

ngOnInit() {

details() {
    PublicVariables.currentProduct =;
inc() {
dec() {
    if(this.count>0) {

I'm relatively new to native-script so my code may not be the cleanest. I have added the nativescript-fresco plugin to my project, imported and initialized it in AppModule. What I don't know is if I need to add anything to the component itself apart from the FrescoDrawee tag because I didn't see anything indicating that in the documentation.

Kindly help me figure out what the problem with my code?


  • I think the problem is with the prefix, you can use it as:

    <FrescoDrawee width="100" height="100" [imageUri]="data.imageUrl"></FrescoDrawee>

    And for sake of completeness this is what needs to be added to app.module.ts when used with Angular:

    import { TNSFrescoModule } from "nativescript-fresco/angular";
    import fresco = require("nativescript-fresco");
    import application = require("application");
    if ( {
      application.onLaunch = function (intent) {
      imports: [