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How to list all files and folders in my dropbox using v2 api

I am using Python SDK and would like to retrieve all of my dropbox files and folders.

I am using v2 of Python SDK of Dropbox.

dbx = Dropbox("DROBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN")
response = dbx.files_list_folder("/Apps/Marketing")
for file in response.entries:

However, I get an error:

dropbox.exceptions.ApiError: ApiError('b0479a07aaa5a9b405862ae75cbf135d', ListFolderError(u'path', LookupError(u'not_found', None)))

While Apps folder exists in Dropbox when I login (prob in root folder)

When I try to list with empty path in order to get root folder folders:

response = dbx.files_list_folder("")

the response entries are empty.

How can I retrieve the list of all files and folders in dropbox v2 api?

The token is the one I generated in OAuth 2 settings in dropbox.

and I gave the token App folder access to a folder under Apps called Marketing.


  • I am using Python SDK and would like to retrieve all of my dropbox files and folders.
    and I gave the token App folder access to a folder under Apps called Marketing.

    You should have given your app Full Dropbox access type. With App Folder access type, your app is automatically restricted to the corresponding folder under Apps, and hence all paths passed to files_list_folder() running under that app are interpreted relative to your app's dedicated folder.