I try to find '<video'
string in this variable that contains html
$string="<video autoplay="autoplay" loop="" muted="" poster="" preload="auto" style="width: 354.09836065574px; height: 600px; max-height:600px;;display:block;margin:0 auto;"><source src="" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="" type="video/webm" />
<div class="badge-item-animated-img"> </div> "
So I use :
if (strpos($string, '<video')){
echo $string;
Why doesn't this work?
Because strpos returns the current position of the tag 'video', which is 0 in your case. In PHP this is the same as false. Try this instead:
if (strpos($string, '<video') !== false){
echo $string;