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How to redirect to other page after successful login in angularjs?

Hi I am developing one application in angularjs as front end and web api2 as backend. I am new to both angular and web api. I have completed login page in angularjs. As soon as my login successful i want to go to page called Index.cshtml located at Views/Home/index.cshtml. I am trying as below.

This is my controller code.

app.controller('Login', function ($scope, LoginService) {
    $scope.Login = function () {
        var sub = {
            User_Name: $scope.User_Name,
            User_Password: $scope.User_Password
        var checkData = LoginService.Login(sub);
        checkData.then(function (data) {
            //want redirection
            var url = '/Home/Index/';
            window.location = url;
            }, function (error) {

This is my module.js

var app;
(function () {
    app = angular.module("Login", []);


app.service("LoginService", function ($http) {
    this.Login = function (sub) {
        var credentials = { User_Name: sub.User_Name, User_Password: sub.User_Password };
           $'api/NCT_UsersLogin/', credentials).success(function (response) {  });

I am trying using window.location but it is not working. May I get some help here? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • Try this,

     $window.location.href = '/Home/index.html';

    also inject $window to your controller

    app.controller('Login', function ($scope, LoginService,$window) {
        $scope.Login = function () {
            var sub = {
                User_Name: $scope.User_Name,
                User_Password: $scope.User_Password
            var checkData = LoginService.Login(sub);
            checkData.then(function (data) {
                //want redirection        
                  $window.location.href = '/Home/index.html';
                }, function (error) {