I have a full-text index created upon a column of type varchar(max) with filestream enabled. The filestream contains data such as JPG's, TIF's, PDF's, and XML's (although this is mostly irrelevant to the question, I believe).
I have two queries that I've created that allow me to search upon the index.
Full-text search #1--
parentObj.ObjectID as 'GroupingID',
parentObj.Name as 'Grouping',
childObj.ObjectID as 'FileObjID',
childObj.Name as 'FileName',
from dbo.dat_FileStream fs
inner join dbo.dat_Object childObj
on fs.ObjectID = childObj.ObjectID
inner join dbo.dat_Collection c
on fs.ObjectID = c.ObjectID
inner join dbo.dat_Object parentObj
on c.ParentID = parentObj.ObjectID
where contains(FileStreamData, @srchTerm)
and parentObj.ObjectTypeID = 1
ORDER BY 'Grouping'
Full-text search #2--
parentObj.ObjectID as 'GroupingID',
parentObj.Name as 'Grouping',
childObj.ObjectID as 'FileObjID',
childObj.Name as 'FileName',
from dbo.dat_FileStream fs
inner join containstable(dbo.dat_FileStream, FileStreamData, @srchTerm, 1000) as KEY_TBL
on fs.FileStreamID = KEY_TBL.[KEY]
inner join dbo.dat_Object childObj
on fs.ObjectID = childObj.ObjectID
inner join dbo.dat_Collection c
on fs.ObjectID = c.ObjectID
inner join dbo.dat_Object parentObj
on c.ParentID = parentObj.ObjectID
where parentObj.ObjectTypeID = 1
ORDER BY 'Grouping'
The only significant difference between the two full-text searches is query #1 uses contains and query #2 uses containstable.
My problem is that the two queries do not always yield the same results. For example, were I to search on the phrase "Independent contractors", query #1 would yield a result set of 10 different documents (PDF's and XML's), while query #2 would only yield a result set of 6. This seems to be the rule: query #1 always yields a few more than query #2, and query #2 always yields the exact same matches that query #1 does.
Query #1 - search on "Independent contractors" yields:
4262 AAA-00-12 4561 AAA-00-12.pdf 4235
4316 AAA-00-15 4753 AAA-00-15.pdf 4427
4316 AAA-00-15 4754 AAA-00-15.xml 4428
3873 AAA-00-19 4784 AAA-00-19.pdf 4458
3903 AAA-00-22 6795 AAA-00-22.pdf 6459
3953 AAA-00-24 6899 AAA-00-24.pdf 6563
3953 AAA-00-24 6900 AAA-00-24.xml 6564
4842 AAA-00-9 4905 AAA-00-9.pdf 4577
4842 AAA-00-9 4906 AAA-00-9.xml 4578
4057 AAA-0001 4260 AAA-0001.pdf 3936
Query #2 - search on "Independent contractors" yields:
19 4262 AAA-00-12 4561 AAA-00-12.pdf 4235
126 4316 AAA-00-15 4754 AAA-00-15.xml 4428
126 4316 AAA-00-15 4753 AAA-00-15.pdf 4427
116 3873 AAA-00-19 4784 AAA-00-19.pdf 4458
125 3903 AAA-00-22 6795 AAA-00-22.pdf 6459
57 3953 AAA-00-24 6900 AAA-00-24.xml 6564
57 3953 AAA-00-24 6899 AAA-00-24.pdf 6563
Specifies that only the nhighest ranked matches, in descending order, are returned. Applies only when an integer value, n, is specified. If top_n_by_rank is combined with other parameters, the query could return fewer rows than the number of rows that actually match all the predicates.
Try running w/o a top and see if it matches CONTAINS