Search code examples

Watir: How do i get inner_html of multiple span, with same class name

I am using this code, to grab the inner_html of the span class.

weather = browser.span(:class => "_Xbe kno-fv").inner_html
puts weather

However, Multiple inner_html exists with the same class, in the page. How do I retrieve all of them at once?

I am trying to get the information relating to weather from this page

weather = browser.span(:class => "_Xbe kno-fv").text
puts weather

This above code, prints, the text but not consistently. I beleive, since multiple elements exists with the same class or the information is dynamic and hence? I am not sure. Is there a way to get this? 4

Result in the first run

  | Search    |
  | Bangalore |  741 km²

Result in the second run

  | Search    |
  | Bangalore |  17°C, Wind E at 3 km/h, 69% Humidity


  • The element that you are targeting is contained within a <div> with a unique data attribute. I'd advise using that approach:

    require 'watir'    
    b = :chrome
    b.goto "" 
    puts b.div(:data_attrid => "kc:/location/citytown:current weather").text
    #=> Weather: 59°F (15°C), Wind S at 2 mph (3 km/h), 83% Humidity

    For reference--as @JustinKo demonstrates--watir can use data attributes as locators with some minor tweaks.

    Sidenote: running automated searches against Google may be a violation of their Terms of Service, and you may find yourself blocked. You should investigate if you can use one of their many APIs to harvest this data.