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Saving IMDb posters with php

I'm making a script for myself to list my favorite movies. So I nearly finished it but I cannot save the small poster from IMDb with php. I used the file_put_contents() function, but it's creating a 0kb jpeg file. here is the code that I used:

file_put_contents('./posters/t0120689.jpg', file_get_contents(',0,214,314_.jpg'));

Of course it didn't work. Then I used cURL:

$ch = curl_init(
file_put_contents('./posters/t0120689.jpg', file_get_contents(',0,214,314_.jpg');
$fp = fopen('./posters/t0120689.jpg', 'wb');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

and it didn't work either. This is the example movie page from IMDb:


  • Running this worked for me on my Macbook:

    file_put_contents('./t0120689.jpg', file_get_contents(',0,214,314_.jpg'));

    If you are hosting this on a server somewhere, the php ini setting allow_url_include needs to be set to on in order for you te get requests outside of your domain.