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Composer Autoload.php not loading in Namespaces and Classes on live hosting

I have a simple PHP web app with the following structure:

/         (composer.json .htaccess ...)  
/Core/    (Router.php, Controller.php ...)    
/App/     (/Controllers, /Models, /Views ...)    
/Public/  (index.php ...)  
/Vendor/  (autoload.php /composer ...)  

The codes runs without issue on my local server.

When I copy it to a live server and make the necessary changes to .htaccess in route I get the following error: Fatal error: Class 'Core\Router' not found in.... I have tried 3 different hosts but no luck.

The issue seems to be to do with the composer autoload function not loading in the namespaces and classes using psr-4. I have this set up in my composer.json file:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
         "Core\\": "Core/",
         "App\\": "App/"

The code for my project is on GitHub at

I am new to programming in an MVC structure and also with using composer in this way.

If anyone could assist with what maybe happening, I would really appreciate it.

Cheers, Ian


  • You configure this:

    "Core\\": "Core/",

    ... but your classes are at:


    This will only work in case insensitive file systems.