I conducted a one-way ANOVA in R, but I keep getting error messages when I attempt to do a Tukey post-hoc to see which treatments differ from each other. (I would like the results to be ranked (a, ab, b, bcd...etc.)
DATA details:
data = "abh2"
x = 6 treatments : "treatment"
y= moisture readings "moist" (n=63 per treatment, total=378)
I ran a one-way ANOVA:
anov <- anova(lm(moist~treatment, data=abh2))
.# RESULTS indicate I can move to a post hoc (p<0.05):
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: moist
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
treatment 5 1706.3 341.27 25.911 < 2.2e-16 ***
I chose Tukey HSD and tried to run it with 2 methods, but get error messages for both:
Built-in R function:
# ERROR : no applicable method for 'TukeyHSD' applied to an object of class "c('anova', 'data.frame')"
Agricolae package:
HSD.test(anov, "treatment", group=TRUE, console=TRUE)
# ERROR : Error in HSD.test(anov, "treatment", group = TRUE, console = TRUE) :
argument "MSerror" is missing, with no default
I found the MSerror was
1) An "# Old version HSD.test()" (But I've just updated the agricolae package)
2) MSerror<-deviance(model)/df
So I tried:
HSD.test(anov, "treatment", MSerror=deviance(moist)/5, group=TRUE, console=TRUE)
*but still* # ERROR: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Could anyone help me move ahead from here? It seems like a pretty simple problem but I've spent hours on this!
Many thanks :)
Thanks for the feed back Annie-Claude, it got me on the right track that R wasn't recognizing the data as it should.
I solved the problem using this code though:
model<-aov(moist~treatment, data=abh2)
out <- HSD.test(model,"treatment", group=TRUE,console=TRUE)
It appears that the ANOVA command that I was initially using (from R base package), was simply not understood by the Tukey test I was trying to perform afterwards (with the agricolae package).
Take-home message for me: Try to conduct a related string of analyses in the same package!
p.s. To obtain the p-values:
they can be converted to a dataframe like so:
as.data.frame( summary(model)[[1]] )