I'm busy working on a .Net Core Web Application and I was wondering if it is possible to execute a cursor within another cursor.
I have the following code which I thought would work
string string = null;
SqlCommand collections_cur = null;
SqlCommand headings_cur = null;
int cl_idno = 0;
string = " select * from collections " +
" where cl_idno >= @cl_idno ";
collections_cur = new SqlCommand(string, sqlserv);
string = " select * from headings " +
" where hd_cl_idno = @hd_cl_idno ";
headings_cur = new SqlCommand(string, sqlserv);
collections_cur.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameters("cl_idno", 1));
using(SqlDataReader reader1 = collections_cur.ExecuteReader())
// some stuff
cl_idno = reader1.GetInt32(0);
headings_cur.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameters("hd_cl_idno", cl_idno));
using(SqlDataReader reader2 = headings_cur.ExecuteReader())
// more stuff
The above is crashing though with the following error
InvalidOperationException: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
I thought that it would treat reader1 and reader2 separately but I'm not sure how to use a second DataReader object correctly.
I know that I could do this with a single cursor using
select * from collections
left join headings on hd_cl_idno = cl_idno
where cl_idno >= 1
But I am using this simplified code so that the question is easy to read. There are instances where I need a cursor within a cursor and this code is just to illustrate the problem
It seems this is frowned upon by C# developers but I have a solution anyway if it might benefit anyone. You should probably use it at your own risk or not use it all but it works for me.
I have made the following adjustments to the code
// define and initialize variables
string credentials = null;
SqlConnection sqlserv = null;
string lv_string = null;
SqlCommand collections_cur = null;
SqlCommand headings_cur = null;
int cl_idno = 0;
// connect to database
// MultipleActiveResultSets=True was added
// to allow usage of multiple cursors
credentials = "Data Source=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;" +
"Initial Catalog=rescratch;" +
"Integrated Security=True;" +
"Connect Timeout=30;" +
"Encrypt=False;" +
"TrustServerCertificate=True;" +
"ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;" +
"MultipleActiveResultSets=True;" +
sqlserv = new SqlConnection(credentials);
// declare cursors
lv_string = " select * from collections " +
" where cl_idno >= @cl_idno ";
collections_cur = new SqlCommand(lv_string, gv_sqlserv);
collections_cur.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameters("cl_idno", 0));
lv_string = " select * from headings " +
" where hd_cl_idno = @hd_cl_idno ";
headings_cur = new SqlCommand(lv_string, gv_sqlserv);
headings_cur.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameters("hd_cl_idno", 0));
// main cursor
// set parameter
collections_cur.Parameters["cl_idno"].Value = 1;
using(SqlDataReader lv_reader1 = collections_cur.ExecuteReader())
// some stuff
cl_idno = lv_reader1.GetInt32(0);
// sub cursor
// set parameter
headings_cur.Parameters["hd_cl_idno"].Value = cl_idno;
using(SqlDataReader lv_reader2 = headings_cur.ExecuteReader())
// more stuff