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Testing class that insert, update and delete from the db

I have class that has 3 methods: insert, update and delete from the db. In order to test it in the insert test method I need to use the insert method and after I insert i need to delete what I inserted, but in order to delete I should use the delete method that I also want to test so it didn't make sense to me that I need to use them and also test them.

I hope you understand my problem. Thanks in advance!


  • You must decide what you want to test. That was you describe, it is an integration test. By a “real” unitTest, you test only your method, and not the System method and not the database.

    If you want a unitTest, you have several options. For Example, you work with interfaces and catch your statement before it comes to the database.

    Edit 1 - one possibility to implement unit test with interfaces:

    You need one interface that implements the method these go to the backend system:

    public interface IDatabase{
        public returnValue insert(yourParam);
        public int update(yourParam);

    Then you implement your method with the real functions in a class:

    public class Database implements IDatabase {
        public returnValue insert(yourParam) {
            // do something
            return null;
        public int update(yourParam){
            // do something
            return 0;

    This class you call in the main class:

     * The real class to do what you want to do.
    public class RealClass {
    private IDatabase dbInstance = null;
        private IDatabase getDbInstance() {
            if (dbInstance == null) {
                dbInstance = new Database();
            return dbInstance;
        protected void setDbInstance(IDatabase dataBase) {
            dbInstance = dataBase;
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    For the unit test you implement the interface again:

    public class UnitTest implements IDatabase {
        public returnValue insert(yourParam) {
            // Here can you test your statement and manipulate the return value
            return null;
        public int update(yourParam){
            if (yourParam.containsValue(value1)) {
              assertEquals("yourStatement", yourParam);
              return 1;
            }else if (yourParam.containsValue(value2)) {
              assertEquals("yourStatement2", yourParam);
              return 5;
               assertTrue(false,"unknown Statement")
        public void yourTest(){
            //Test something

    This is time-consuming to implement, but with this, you are independent from the backend system and you can call the unittest every time without a database.

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