I have used MoviePy to create a video from an image and add some annotation to the bottom of an image. The problem is that the text that I want to add is Vietnamese (not English) so MoviePy cannot display it properly.
Specifically, below is my code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from moviepy.editor import *
# create clip from image
clip = ImageClip('img/1.jpg').on_color((1920, 1080))
clip = clip.set_duration(2)
# add annotation to clip
txtclip = TextClip('Truyện Kiều Nguyễn Du', fontsize=50, color='red')
cvc = CompositeVideoClip([ clip, txtclip.set_pos(('center', 'bottom'))])
cvc = cvc.set_duration(2)
# write video to file
cvc.write_videofile("text.mp4", fps=24)
Instead of displaying Truyện Kiều Nguyễn Du
, it displays Truy?n Ki?u Nguy?n Du
I think the main problem is from ImageMagick
because when I use command
convert -size 400x200 xc:khaki -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -annotate 0 "Truyện Kiều Nguyễn Du" u8_an.png
ImageMagick also creates an image with the same problem. Please let me know if you can help me fix it.
UPDATE: I also try to convert the string to utf-8 but it does not work
t = u'Truyện Kiều Nguyễn Du'.encode('utf-8')
txtclip = TextClip(t, fontsize=50, color='red')
From the suggestion of @Gloin, I post my solution as the answer.
It is fixed by using different font for TextClip
. Specifically, this is the solution
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from moviepy.editor import *
# create clip from image
clip = ImageClip('img/1.jpg').on_color((1920, 1080))
clip = clip.set_duration(2)
# add annotation to clip
t = u'Truyện Kiều Nguyễn Du'.encode('utf-8')
txtclip = TextClip(t, fontsize=50, color='red', font='FreeMono')
cvc = CompositeVideoClip([ clip, txtclip.set_pos(('center', 'bottom'))])
cvc = cvc.set_duration(2)
# write video to file
cvc.write_videofile("text.mp4", fps=24)
I think the problem is that we need to consider (1) use utf-8 to encode the string (2) use the suitable font to push to ImageMagick (in my case FreeMono
is the suitable one)