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Structural Induction - (zip xs ys)!!n = (xs!!n, ys!!n)

Given n >= 0 and n < min (length xs) (length ys) show that (zip xs ys)!!n = (xs!!n, ys!!n) with structural Induction over xs.

Is it even possible to do this in a clean way? I cant find any spots where I can use the Induction Hypothesis.


  • First, I'll give definitions of zip and !!:

    zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
    zip [] [] = []                             -- (zip-1)
    zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y) : zip xs ys      -- (zip-2)
    zip _ _ = []                               -- (zip-3)
    (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a
    (x : _) !! 0 = x                           -- (!!-1)
    (_ : xs) !! n = xs !! (n - 1)              -- (!!-2)

    Let xs, ys and n arbitrary. Now, suppose that n >=0 and n < min (length xs) (length ys). We proceed by induction on xs.

    • Case xs = []. Now we do case analysis on ys. In both cases, we have that there's no n >=0 and n < min (length xs) (length ys). So, this case is trivially true.
    • Case xs = x : xs'. We proceed by case analysis on ys.
    • Case xs = x : xs' and ys = []. Again, we have the theorem trivially true since there's no n such that that n >=0 and n < min (length xs) (length ys).
    • Case xs = x : xs' and ys = y : ys'. Now we do case analysis on n.
    • Case xs = x : xs', ys = y : ys' and n = 0. We have that

      zip (x : xs') (y : ys') !! 0 = {by equation (zip-2)}
      (x,y) : zip xs' ys'     !! 0 = {by equation (!!-1)}
      (x,y)                        = {by equation (!!-1) - backwards}
      ((x : xs') !! 0, (y : ys') !! 0).
    • Case xs = x : xs', ys = y : ys' and n = n' + 1.

       zip (x : xs') (y : ys') !! (n + 1) = {by equation zip-2}
       (x,y) : zip xs' ys' !! (n + 1) = {by equation (!!-2)}
       zip xs' ys' !! n               = {by induction hypothesis}
       (xs' !! n , ys' !! n)          = {by equation (!!-2) backwards}
       ((x : xs') !! (n + 1), (y : ys') !! (n + 1))


    Hope that this helps.