I have an interesting question. I have 2 modules. app.module.ts (AppModule) and listings.module.ts (ListingsModule). ListingsModule has a service, let us call it service A. A needs to be a singleton global service, meaning that all of the other components and services need to be able to interact with the same A.
For this I firstly tried declaring A as a provider in ListingsModule, but this did not work as expected as it was only being declared a singleton for use for components and services under ListingsModule, but I also needed to use it under other modules and under AppModule. I thus concluded that I need to export this service from ListingsModule and import and provide this under AppModule, but this did not work as expected.
A is ListingsStoreService.
import { ListingsStoreService } from './shared/listings-store.service';
import { SharedModule } from './../shared/shared.module';
import { HeaderModule } from './../header/header.module';
imports: [
declarations: [
exports: [
providers: [ ]
export class ListingsModule {
The following code asks me to declare or import ListingsStoreService, for it to be exportable. If I declare ListingsStoreService then it gives me another error. I can apparently only provide this service.
What is the right approach here? How do I make this work?
What angular does with some of it's modules (e.g. RouterModule) is to allow for the creation of two versions of the same module, via static functions called "forRoot" and "forChild", by convention. "forRoot" could contain a global service, such as "ListingsStoreService" in it's provider array, and "forChild" would omit it. Then you could call "ListingsModule.forRoot()" in the AppModule imports array, and call "ListingsModule.forChild()" everywhere else you need the "ListingsModule".
imports: [
declarations: [
export class ListingsModule {
static forRoot() : ModuleWithProviders {
return {
ngModule: ListingsModule,
providers: [ ListingsStoreService ]
static forChild() : ModuleWithProviders {
return {
ngModule: ListingsModule,
providers: []