Search code examples

problem with using count & sum to get data from 2 tables

I have two tables applications and leads

application table

submitDate | fName | lName
2010-11-15    joe    smith
2010-11-16    joe    smith
2010-11-15    joe    smith

Leads table

submitDate | click | state
2010-11-15    1      ca
2010-11-16    1      ca
2010-11-16    1      ca
2010-11-15    1      ca
2010-11-15    1      ca
2010-11-15    1      ca
2010-11-15    1      ca
2010-11-15    1      ca

I want a query to return this result

submitDate | application | clicks | percent
2010-11-15    2            6          33%
2010-11-16    1            2          50%

I tried the following

SELECT `submitDate` , count(`submitDate`)  AS 'comp',(select sum(`click`) from `leads`

 WHERE `submitDate` between '2010-11-15' AND '2010-11-16' group by `submitDate`)as

 'clicks'  from `applications` WHERE `submitDate` between '2010-11-15' AND

 '2010-11-16' group by `submitDate`

this return an error

#1242 - Subquery returns more than 1 row

and tried the following

SELECT `leads`.`submitDate` , count(`leads`.`submitDate`) 
 AS 'application',sum(`click`) as 'clicks'  
from `applications`,`leads` WHERE `leads`.`submitDate` between 
'2010-11-15' AND '2010-11-16' group by `leads`.`submitDate`

this return the following result

submitDate | application | clicks
2010-11-15    60           60
2010-11-16    6            6

leads table have 22 columns / 20 = 2010-11-15 and 2 2010-11-16 the application table as same as the above table

I'm sorry for the long explination but to be clear

any idea?

and about add new field percent that devided applications/leads SO the result will have 4 columns

thanks in advance


  • select, coalesce(a.count, 0) as applications, coalesce(b.count, 0) as clicks
        select date from applications
        select date from leads
    ) d
    left outer join (
        select date, count(*) as count
        from applications 
        group by date
    ) a on =
    left outer join (
        select date, count(*) as count
        from leads
        group by date
    ) b on =