I want to create a recurring job with Hangfire but I want it to be delayed and start at a certain date.
For example I will create a job that do a task every week but I want this task to start after 3 days!
After searching I couldn't come to something that can do both delayed task and make it recurring at the same time.
I just started using hangfire today so I don't have much experience using it yet.
Hangfire offers the possibility to create recurring jobs in this way:
() => myRecurringJob(),
However as you mentioned this does not allow to postpone the date where the first occurrence will start. To work around this, I suggest to use a scheduled job to create your recurring job at a later time:
BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => myRecurringJobCreation(),
new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2017,2,10)));
public void myRecurringJobCreation() {
() => myRecurringJob(),