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perl6 Grammar action class method seems not inherited, named capture seems not made

I am trying to parse a csv file to do simple things: extract last name, ID, and birthday, and change format of birthday from m/d/yyyy to yyyymmdd.

(1) I used named capture for birthdays, but it seems that named captures method are not called to make what I want.

(2) Inheriting grammar action methods seems not working for named captures.

What did I do wrong?

my $x = "1,,100,S113*L0,35439*01,John,JOE,,,03-10-1984,47 ELL ST #6,SAN FRANCISCO,CA,94112,415-000-0000,,5720,Foo Bar,06-01-2016,06-01-2016,Blue Cross,L,0,0";

# comma separated lines
grammar insurCommon {
    regex aField  { <-[,]>*? }
    regex theRest { .* }

grammar insurFile is insurCommon {
    regex TOP { <aField> \,\,  # item number
        <aField> \,            # line of business
        <aField> \,            # group number
        <ptID=aField> \,       # insurance ID, 
        <ptLastName=aField> \, # last name, 
        <aField> \,\,\,        # first name
        <ptDOB=aField> \,      # birthday
        <theRest> }

# change birthday format from 1/2/3456 to 34560102
sub frontPad($withWhat, $supposedStrLength, $strToPad) {
    my $theStrLength = $strToPad.chars;
    if $theStrLength >= $supposedStrLength { $strToPad; }
    else { $withWhat x ($supposedStrLength - $theStrLength) ~ $strToPad; }

class dateAct {
    method reformatDOB($aDOB) {
      $aDOB.Str.split(/\D/).map(frontPad("0", 2, $_)).rotate(-1).join;

class insurFileAct is dateAct {
    method TOP($anInsurLine) {
      my $insurID = $anInsurLine<ptID>.Str;
      my $lastName = $anInsurLine<ptLastName>.Str;
      my $theDOB = $anInsurLine<ptDOB>.made; # this is not made;
      $anInsurLine.make("not yet made"); # not yet getting $theDOB to work
    method ptDOB($DOB) { # ?ptDOB method is not called by named capture?
      my $newDOB = reformatDOB($DOB); # why is method not inherited

my $insurAct =;
my $m = insurFile.parse($x, actions => $insurAct);

say $m.made;

And the output is:

===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/
Undeclared routine:
    reformatDOB used at line 41


  • You're trying to invoke the non-existing subroutine reformatDOB, not a method.

    In contrast to, say, Java, Perl6 does not allow you to omit the invocant, ie the method call has to be written as


    In addition, there are also shorthand forms like

    $.reformatDOB($DOB) # same as $(self.reformatDOB($DOB))
    @.reformatDOB($DOB) # same as @(self.reformatDOB($DOB))

    that additionally impose context on the return value.