I use playframework 2.2.6 scala.
I want to write integration tests for my application. But my application requests some service by http and I want to mock it with mockServer. But I don't know when to start and stop mockServer cause tests use futures
class AppTest extends Specification with Around {
def around[T](t: => T)(implicit e: AsResult[T]): Result = {
val port = 9001
val server = new MockServer()
server.start(port, null)
val mockServerClient = new MockServerClient("", port)
// mockServerClient rules
val result = AsResult.effectively(t)
"Some test" should {
"some case" in new WithApplication {
val request: Future[SimpleResult] = route(...).get
status(request) must equalTo(OK)
contentAsString(request) must contain(...)
"some other case" in new WithApplication {
With this code I have java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: / And I can't do this without server.stop cause that server must be run in different tests.
I found solution, I looked source code of WithApplication (it extends Around) and wrote abstract class WithMockServer:
abstract class WithMockServer extends WithApplication {
override def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = {
Helpers.running(app) {
val port = Play.application.configuration.getInt("service.port").getOrElse(9001)
val server = new MockServer(port)
val mockServerClient = new MockServerClient("", port)
// mockServer rules
val result = AsResult.effectively(t)
And in each test cases I replaced in new WithApplication
with in new WithMockServer