I am using Jenkins to build my android app. i added "Jenkinsfile" in my repo and my current pipeline script looks like this and it is working fine.
try {
checkout scm
sh "./gradlew clean"
sh "./gradlew assembleDebug"
} catch (error) {
throw error
Now i need to upload my apk to hockeyapp. HockeyApp's Jenkins plugin is installed. And they have made it compatible with pipeline in v 1.2.2
I have googled a lot but found not much help. Kindly guide me or point me to how I can use pipeline script to upload apk to hockeyapp.
Note: I have already created an app on hockey app and I have app token and app id. Also i know curl command is available but i want to use hockeyapp plugin with pipeline
You should be able to get the syntax for just about any Pipeline step via the snippet generator built in to Jenkins.
Doing so in my Jenkins install gives me something like this (horrifying) syntax:
step([$class: 'HockeyappRecorder',
applications: [[downloadAllowed: false, mandatory: false,
notifyTeam: false, releaseNotesMethod: [$class: 'NoReleaseNotes'],
uploadMethod: [$class: 'AppCreation', publicPage: false]]],
debugMode: false, failGracefully: false])