Search code examples

ngTable grouping not working

In this plunk I have an ngTable that contains a list of users, grouped by area. I took the example from this ngTable grouping demo. Still, the table is displayed empty and doesn't show any rows or grouping. What's wrong with this code?


    <table ng-table="tableParams" class="table table-bordered table-hover">
          <col width="50%" />
          <col width="30%" />
          <col width="20%" />
        <tr class="ng-table-group" ng-repeat-start="group in $groups">
          <td colspan="3">
            <a href="" ng-click="group.$hideRows = !group.$hideRows">
              <span class="glyphicon" ng-class="{ 'glyphicon-chevron-right': group.$hideRows, 'glyphicon-chevron-down': !group.$hideRows }"></span>
              <strong>{{ group.value }}</strong>
        <tr ng-repeat="u in data" ng-repeat-end>
            <td title="'User ID'">{{ u.uid }}</td>
            <td title="'Name'">{{ }}</td>
            <td title="'Area'" groupable="'area'">{{ u.area }}</td>


var app = angular.module('app', ['ngTable']);

app.controller('myCtl', function($scope,NgTableParams) {

          $ = [ 
             { uid: 'User 11', name: 'Name 11', area: 'Area 1'},
             { uid: 'User 12', name: 'Name 12', area: 'Area 1'},
             { uid: 'User 21', name: 'Name 21', area: 'Area 2'},
             { uid: 'User 22', name: 'Name 22', area: 'Area 2'}

          $scope.tableParams = new NgTableParams({
              // initial grouping
              group: "area"
              dataset: $


  • Your code seems perfectly fine. I have just changed one script and got some results on the page. Just replace

    <script src=""></script>


    <script src=""></script>

    This is the version that I use daily.